Palm Desert Bad Credit Personal Loans

How to Obtain a Large Personal Loan with Bad Credit

Bad Credit Loans - Palm Desert It is difficult to obtain a cash loan in Palm Desert when you have no credit or bad credit. However, you don’t need to travel the risky route of taking out a payday loan or a cash advance on an old credit card, which could place you at the mercy of over-zealous debt collectors and make your bad credit situation even worse.

If you have luxury collateral such as fine jewelry, gold bullion coins, or a high-brand watch, Palm Desert Jewelry Buyer can help. We can provide you with an immediate collateral loan today, regardless if you have bad credit or no credit.

We are a leader in helping Palm Desert residents obtain fast cash loans from $2,500 to $50,000. Our bad credit loans are completely confidential and will not damage your credit rating further should you decide not to pay back your loan.

At Palm Desert Jewelry Buyer, we specialize in bad credit loans on valuable estate jewelry and watches from legendary brands such as Tiffany & Co., Cartier, Harry Winston, Rolex, Patek Philippe, and other luxury makers. We also provide substantial bad credit loans on large carat diamond rings. Sometimes these types of loans are referred to as “pawn shop” loans. However, Palm Desert Jewelry Buyer is not a Palm Desert pawn shop.

We are a luxury estate buyer that provides collateral loans as a service to our clients, who include many Palm Desert small business people and entrepreneurs. You can also sell jewelry, sell a watch, and sell large carat diamonds to us outright.

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There are four main reasons why people choose Palm Desert Jewelry Buyer as the best place obtain a bad credit loan in Palm Desert: security, interest rates, privacy, and size of loan. So let’s take a look at each of these issues to see if a personal loan from Palm Desert Jewelry Buyer is the best option for you.

Palm Desert Bad Credit Loans – Your Peace of Mind

Peace of mind is important when obtaining a bad credit loan with your diamond jewelry or valuable timepiece. You want to feel confident that your luxury goods are in safe hands and that you have chosen a highly reputable Palm Desert loan provider. You can evaluate a local business’s reputation by checking whether it is accredited with the Better Business Bureau. It is also a good idea to read online reviews to see whether the loan provider possesses a strong track record in handling fine jewelry, luxury watches, large carat diamonds, and precious metal assets.

Clients feel confident and secure when obtaining a bad credit loan with Palm Desert Jewelry Buyer for two reasons: 1) We are s service division of Diamond Estate Jewelry Buyers, a BBB accredited collateral loan provider, and 2) We are owned and operated by Aldo Broussard, a 2nd generation estate jeweler and consumer advocate who is widely recognized in Palm Desert for his expertise in appraising the value of previously-owned diamond jewelry, antique jewelry, and rare timepieces.

What About Interest Rates? – Palm Desert Cash Loans 

When Palm Desert residents seek a bad credit loan or no credit loan, they are legitimately concerned about interest rates. While the interest rates on a collateral loan are higher than traditional bank loans, the good news is that the state of California caps collateral loan interest rates at a lower rate compared to many other states. If you were to take out a cash advance on a credit card, your interest on that advance could be higher than the interest rate attached to a bad credit loan by Palm Desert Jewelry Buyer.

The exact interest rates that we apply to our Palm Desert bad credit loans depends on the resale value of your diamond jewelry, gold jewelry, or luxury watch. To learn the interest rate that we would apply to your bad credit loan, simply give us phone call or email us some information about the item you wish to use as collateral. We will gladly provide you with a quick preliminary appraisal of your item and the interest rate that we would apply to your collateral loan–entirely free of charge.

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Privacy & Bad Credit Loans in Palm Desert, CA

When obtaining a personal loan in Palm Desert, most clients want to maintain their privacy. The issue of privacy extends to both the appearance and location of the loan provider’s office, as well as the risk of any potential credit checks or reports to credit rating agencies.

At Palm Desert Jewelry Buyer, we rigorously maintain the privacy of our clients and the confidentiality of their cash loans–regardless of whether they have goo credit, no credit, or bad credit. We serve as personal estate buyer and luxury pawnbroker to individuals, business owners, and entrepreneurs throughout Southern California.

In addition, you can be assured that we will never conduct a credit check before issuing you a collateral loan in Palm Desert–therefore we will never know the status of your credit rating and whether or not you actually have bad credit. Many of our Palm Desert clients have excellent credit ratings, yet choose us as a loan provider because our loans are fast, secure, confidential, and don’t place their good credit rating at risk.

Our Palm Desert lenders guarantee never to send a report to any credit rating agency, regardless of whether you pay back your loan or not. Should you decide not to pay back your loan (for whatever reason), we will simply keep the item you used for your Palm Desert loan.

At Palm Desert Jewelry Buyer, we also are sensitive to the financial situations that our clients are experiencing–as well as the emotional attachments they may have with the item(s) they are using for collateral. You can rely on us to carefully and fully answers all of your questions, while helping you make the best financial decision possible.

The Size of Your Bad Credit Loan – Palm Desert, CA

The size of your Palm Desert bad credit loan will depend on the appraisal value of your previously-owned fine jewelry, diamond ring, watch, or other precious gift asset. Clients choose Palm Desert Jewelry Buyer as the best place to receive a bad credit collateral loan because we appraise the value of your item(s) on their worldwide resale value rather than how much we might be able to sell the item for locally–like traditional Palm Desert pawn shops do.

Our owner Aldo Broussard is a nationally-recognized estate buyer with an exclusive international resale network. Therefore, our Palm Desert bad credit loans are larger than what you might receive from a traditional Palm Desert pawnshop. In addition, unlike a typical neighborhood pawn shop, we have the financial resources and expertise to offer bad credit loans upwards to $250,000, depending on the value of the diamond jewelry or fine watch you are using for a Palm Desert personal loan.

When you receive a bad credit loan from Palm Desert Jewelry Buyer, your collateral loan can be for as short a period as 24 hours and up to 120 days (renewable). Contact our collateral loan providers today and let us prove to you why so many clients come to us when they need a bad credit loan in Palm Desert. Schedule your risk-free jewelry appraisal in Palm Desert today.

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    Palm Desert Jewelry Buyer is the best place to sell jewelry in Riverside County, and the best place to obtain Palm Desert small business loans for luxury collateral.